Project Blizzard

3D physics simulator and game by Team Avalanche

General Background

The moon has exploded, and its fragments are quickly approaching Earth. In a last-ditch effort to survive, 305 Arklet spacecraft launch themselves into orbit from nations worldwide. These ships, controlled by the Parambulator AI, fly to Izzy (the I.S.S.) where they will attempt to ride out the storm. Could anyone survive?

Based on the Book: SevenEves

Third-Person Arklet Survivor Game

We built a Third-person Arklet game on top of our simulation engine. The user tries to avoid the oncoming asteroids for as long as possible, prolonging their life and increasing their score, until they inevitably collide with the asteroid that takes their final breath.

Third-Person Arklet Destroyer Game

In this version of the game, the Arklet you are pilot is invincible. It will destroy any asteroid, moon fragment, or other arklet that it touches. Every time you destroy an object, you gain points. Points slowly decrease and you must contiue destroying objects to stay in the game.

Sprite Simulation

We built a Third-person Arklet game on top of our simulation engine. The user tries to avoid the oncoming asteroids for as long as possible, prolonging their life and increasing their score, until they inevitably collide with the asteroid that takes their final breath.

3D Rendering
using Three.js

Using the Three.js rendering library and Blender (3D Modeling software), the simulator uses OpenGL to render highly detailed models to the screen with full 3D movement.

Realtime Physics Simulation
using Cannon.js

Using the Cannon.js physics library, all orbits and asteroid movements/collisions model the real world; all calculations being performed in real time.

Arklet AI

100s of tiny spacecraft, called Arklets, are controlled by our AI implementation. This AI attempts to coordinate the ships using a flocking algorithm, and guides them around the incoming asteroids.

About Us
Team Avalanche

Team Members:

  • Colin Gibbons
  • Wesley Moncrief
  • IƱaki Rosa
  • John Ansted